Engineering growth
Revealed has created growth-focused methods that analyze and simulate growth processes. These give insight into what must be done to grow an existing product, or ensure the success of a new product you want to create.
Demand & Hiring Analysis
Over 1-2 weeks, we interview 20 (minimum) consumers about how and why they shop for and adopt a product.
This gives you insight into demand, market segmentation, competition, as well as consumers’ Jobs to be Done.
Deliverables include:
Detailed analysis of the hiring process and consumers’ Job to be Done
Interview transcriptions, videos, and highlight clips
An executive summary
Access to findings through our secure client web-portal
Adoption Accelerator
Over 1-2 weeks, we interview 20 (minimum) consumers on why they adopted your product. These insights are then used to create a growth initiative that causes more consumers to adopt your product, instead of the competition.
Deliverables include:
Detailed analysis of why consumers adopt (hire) your product
Interview transcriptions, videos, and highlight clips
An executive summary
Access to findings through our secure client web-portal
Churn Reducer
Over 1-2 weeks, we interview 20 (minimum) consumers on why consumers abandoned your product. The insights gained are then used to create a strategy to increase customer retention (reduce churn).
Deliverables include:
Detailed analysis of why consumers abandon (fire) your product
Interview transcriptions, videos, and highlight clips
An executive summary
Access to findings through our secure client web-portal
Progress-Directed Design
Customers don't buy your product, they buy a better version of themselves.
This workshop guides your team through Progress-Directed Design (PDD). It is a design exercise that brings product, design, marketing, and strategy together to co-create product concepts and marketing strategies for selling those concepts.
The output of a PDD workshop is a design that maps product function, to a consumer’s Job to be Done.
Competitive Analysis
Why do consumers choose a competitor’s product rather than yours? Do these customers have a different Job to be Done, or is there a flaw in your sales process?
Over 4 weeks, we will investigate situations where your competitor is winning and help you develop a plan to increase your win rate.
Deliverables include:
Detailed analysis of why consumers choose your competitor
Interview transcriptions, videos, and highlight clips
An executive summary and presentation
Access to findings through our secure client web-portal
Demand Simulation
Over 1-2 weeks, we conduct 20 (minimum) 1-on-1 interviews to “smoke test” growth concepts. The aim is to learn why the concepts do – or don’t – generate demand amongst target consumers.
Deliverables include:
Detailed analysis of the hiring process
Transcripts, recordings, and highlight of interviews
Recommendations on changes and next steps
An executive summary
Access to findings through our secure client web-portal
Market Reaction Study
We believe the best test of a growth concept, is have real consumers think they are interacting with a real offering.
Over 2-3 weeks, we will work with you to design, run, and interpret experiments that measure real-world performance of Growth Concepts.
Deliverables include:
Performance-metrics summary of growth concept experiments
Recommendations on changes and next steps
An executive summary
Access to findings through our secure client web-portal
Our workshops help you either prepare for a growth initiative, or avail the data and insights gathered from a research initiative.
Workshops generally range from 1-5 days, and are done either before or after a sprint.