Engineering growth

Revealed has created growth-focused methods that analyze and simulate growth processes. These give insight into what must be done to grow an existing product, or ensure the success of a new product you want to create.


Demand & Hiring Analysis

Over 1-2 weeks, we interview 20 (minimum) consumers about how and why they shop for and adopt a product.

This gives you insight into demand, market segmentation, competition, as well as consumers’ Jobs to be Done.

Deliverables include:

  1. Detailed analysis of the hiring process and consumers’ Job to be Done

  2. Interview transcriptions, videos, and highlight clips

  3. An executive summary

  4. Access to findings through our secure client web-portal


Adoption Accelerator

Over 1-2 weeks, we interview 20 (minimum) consumers on why they adopted your product. These insights are then used to create a growth initiative that causes more consumers to adopt your product, instead of the competition.

Deliverables include:

  1. Detailed analysis of why consumers adopt (hire) your product

  2. Interview transcriptions, videos, and highlight clips

  3. An executive summary

  4. Access to findings through our secure client web-portal

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Churn Reducer

Over 1-2 weeks, we interview 20 (minimum) consumers on why consumers abandoned your product. The insights gained are then used to create a strategy to increase customer retention (reduce churn).

Deliverables include:

  1. Detailed analysis of why consumers abandon (fire) your product

  2. Interview transcriptions, videos, and highlight clips

  3. An executive summary

  4. Access to findings through our secure client web-portal


Progress-Directed Design

Customers don't buy your product, they buy a better version of themselves.

This workshop guides your team through Progress-Directed Design (PDD). It is a design exercise that brings product, design, marketing, and strategy together to co-create product concepts and marketing strategies for selling those concepts.

The output of a PDD workshop is a design that maps product function, to a consumer’s Job to be Done.


Competitive Analysis

Why do consumers choose a competitor’s product rather than yours? Do these customers have a different Job to be Done, or is there a flaw in your sales process?

Over 4 weeks, we will investigate situations where your competitor is winning and help you develop a plan to increase your win rate.

Deliverables include:

  1. Detailed analysis of why consumers choose your competitor

  2. Interview transcriptions, videos, and highlight clips

  3. An executive summary and presentation

  4. Access to findings through our secure client web-portal


Demand Simulation

Over 1-2 weeks, we conduct 20 (minimum) 1-on-1 interviews to “smoke test” growth concepts. The aim is to learn why the concepts do – or don’t – generate demand amongst target consumers.

Deliverables include:

  1. Detailed analysis of the hiring process

  2. Transcripts, recordings, and highlight of interviews

  3. Recommendations on changes and next steps

  4. An executive summary

  5. Access to findings through our secure client web-portal


Market Reaction Study

We believe the best test of a growth concept, is have real consumers think they are interacting with a real offering.

Over 2-3 weeks, ​we will work with you to design, run, and interpret experiments that measure real-world performance of Growth Concepts.

Deliverables include:

  1. Performance-metrics summary of growth concept experiments

  2. Recommendations on changes and next steps

  3. An executive summary

  4. Access to findings through our secure client web-portal



Our workshops help you either prepare for a growth initiative, or avail the data and insights gathered from a research initiative.

Workshops generally range from 1-5 days, and are done either before or after a sprint.