Make Growth More Predictable
Simulated Demand Generation helps you figure out what you should (and shouldn’t) put into the market, so you will attract more customers and increase revenue
Who Is Simulated Demand Generation For?
Adjacent Segment
B2V salesasdfl aslkdjfhalksjdhflk jashdflkjashdfkljasdhfkjlasdhfkjlashdfasd asdfas asdfasdf
Adjacent Segment
B2V salesasdfl aslkdjfhalksjdhflk jashdflkjashdfkljasdhfkjlasdhfkjlashdfasd asdfas asdfasdf
Adjacent Segment
B2V salesasdfl aslkdjfhalksjdhflk jashdflkjashdfkljasdhfkjlasdhfkjlashdfasd asdfas asdfasdf
Adjacent Segment
B2V salesasdfl aslkdjfhalksjdhflk jashdflkjashdfkljasdhfkjlasdhfkjlashdfasd asdfas asdfasdf
Adjacent Segment
B2V salesasdfl aslkdjfhalksjdhflk jashdflkjashdfkljasdhfkjlasdhfkjlashdfasd asdfas asdfasdf
Adjacent Segment
B2V salesasdfl aslkdjfhalksjdhflk jashdflkjashdfkljasdhfkjlasdhfkjlashdfasd asdfas asdfasdf
SDG is for teams and individuals who need to explore multiple Growth Hypotheses, test them to predict which will and won’t work, and then create a plan to bring the winning combiantion to market
How does Simulated Demand Generation Work?
SDR uses Jobs theory and Factoral Design to create multiple hypotheses of what your product offering could be.
Then we conduct simulated shopping with consumers whom you want to be your customers. During these calls, we insert your product offering along side your competitors.
We talk with target consumers about which product is, and isn’t, most fit for them and why.
As we conduct more calls, we construct predictions about how your offering needs to change so it will attract customers. It is pricing? Product Design? Messaging?
We keep running simulations and iterating upon offering variaotibs, until we can predict with high confidence that your offering will, or won’t, attract customers.
What’s does an engagement look like?
What do you Get?
If our simulations don’t reveal any critical risks and generates high willinges to hire amongst ICPs, we will work with you to create a plan to
Design your Procut
Prepare Packaing
Create a PROduct Marketing Plan
Create a Category Marketing Plan